International Seminars
“Persons promoting budō must maintain an open-minded and international perspective as they uphold traditional values” – The Budō Charter, Nippon Budō Kyūgikai , 1987
WKSI – Wadokai Karatedo Shi-Gi-Tai Italia, branch of the Zen Nihon Karatedo Renmei Wadokai, namely Japan Karatedo federation Wado-kai, has a natural supranational vocation and aims at disseminating in Italy the values of Budō and the traditional style of karate Wado-ryu with an international perspective, as laid down in the Budō Charter. Maintaining this perspective encourages not only faster and more solid technical progression but it also gives concrete expression to the universalist approach of Wado, the Way to Peace.
Every year, WKSI organizes at least two or three international seminars in Italy, led by teachers of proven value from other international JKF Wado-kai branches. Moreover, WKSI encourages its teachers and members to take part in the most prestigious international seminars in Europe and Japan.
WKSI – Wadokai Karatedo Shin-Gi-Tai Italia
Japan Karatedo Federation Wado-kai – branch n° 424004
Wado-ryu Karatedo
Wado-ryu is a Japanese style that combines the principles of karate and jujutsu. Wado-ryu means Style of the Way of Peace/Harmony.
JKF Wadokai
The greatest international organization of Wado-ryu, founded in 1934 by Hironori Otsuka, with over 850,000 members worldwide.
JKF Wado-Kai Official Seminar in Rome
Koichi Shimura Sensei and Shinji KohataSensei in Rome for the first seminar officially recognized by JKF Wado-Kai in Italy
Wadokai Workshop
Monthly workshops for all Wado-ryu lovers on the traditional curriculum of Japan Wado-kai and sports karate kumite.
WKSI Summer Camp
A three-day summer camp in Paliano, the first weekend of June, enjoying nature, fun, and Karate Wado-ryu.
WKSI Association
Official Italian branch of Japan Wado-Kai acknowledged and authorized by the largest international federation of Wado-ryu.
Budo Charter
Through physical and mental training, the practitioner develops character, judgment and a spirit of collaboration.
Wado International Seminar
International seminar of traditional wado-ryu karate led by Roberto Danubio, 7th dan JKF Wadokai, held in Rome on November 18 and 19, 2023