Japan Karatedo Federation Wado-Kai Official Branch
Japan Karatedo Federation Wado-Kai – branch n° 424004
Wado-ryu Karatedo
Wado-ryu is a Japanese style that combines the principles of karate and jujutsu. Wado-ryu means Style of the Way of Peace/Harmony.
JKF Wadokai
The greatest international organization of Wado-ryu, founded in 1934 by Hironori Otsuka, with over 850,000 members worldwide.
JKF Wado-Kai Official Seminar in Rome
Koichi Shimura Sensei and Shinji KohataSensei in Rome for the first seminar officially recognized by JKF Wado-Kai in Italy
Wadokai in Action!
Tradition, technical strictness, inclusive sports and social commitment.
Limitless Karate
Persons promoting budō must maintain an open-minded and international perspective as they uphold traditional values”.
International Seminars
Openmindedness, sharing and exchange of information have always been the basis of every progress. And karate is no exception.
WKSI in Japan
Italian wadokas have a direct line with Japan, again. The WKSI is invited every year to the Wado-kai headquarters in Tokyo.
Swiss Summer Camp
An intense week of traditional karate in a beautiful falicity on the Swiss mountains, attended by wadokas from all over the world.